Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Smartphoneware Best Calc full



Best Calc highlights

Large display with lots of graphic indicators

Precedence mode - to reduce entering parenthesis (e.g. 2+2*2=6)

Operations and conversions can be performed in binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal formCalculate basic arithmetic functions
Calculate the root, square root or cube root of a numberRaise to power functionsLogarithmic and exponent functions
Calculate sine, cosine, tangent, arc sine, arc cosine or arc tangent
Calculate in degrees, radians or grads, mil, revDisplays results in normal, scientific, or fix modeMemory operations'Call last result' functionOperations with big and small numbers are supported (up to ten in 308th power or ten in minus 308th power)
and much more to explore!

Best Calc hintsTo enter numbers use your phone keyboardTo select the needed button use your joystickYou may use '*' key on your keyboard to cycle instantly between +,-,*,/ and clear buttonsIf you typed wrong number use 'c' key on your keyboard to correct it (backspace)
Scalable application
Best Calc adapts to your device screen size automatically.
Here are some examples how Best Calc looks on different devices with different screen size:

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